August 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Scorpio

August 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Scorpio

Summer ambition: It’s Leo season until August 22

Your move, Scorpio. While others are MIA this month, you're in master planner mode, mapping out your goals and strategizing how you’ll reach them. Why so serious? The Sun is in regal Leo and your tenth house of career, success and prestige until August 22, pumping up your ambitions. A promotion, leadership post or career-defining role could be yours for the taking.

But be discerning: Do your best to ensure the investment will pay off before raising your hand. Otherwise, you'll just end up with a ton of thankless work dumped in your lap while summer dwindles away. This year’s Leo season is all about finding powerful people to help you carry the load. Who has skills that can complement yours? Scorpio is a focused sign, and you’re at your best when you stay in the zone and delegate everything else to a masterful plus-one.

Savvy negotiations needed at the August 7 Mars-Saturn square

If you’re navigating tricky territory with someone in your orbit, tread carefully this August 7. Negotiations could get tense as Mars in your diplomatic seventh house forms a rigid square with hard-to-please Saturn. Under these fiery skies, common ground may feel like it’s a million miles away. Don’t try to force your agenda, Scorpio. Enter any deliberations with an open mind and a willingness to compromise. Tackle the smaller issues before you move on to the major points of contention. With a little give and take, you should be able to hammer out terms that make everyone happy!

Spotlight on home and family at the August 11 Aquarius full moon

Take a minute to touch down at home base! On August 11, the year's only Aquarius full moon beams into your fourth house of home and family. A domestic matter you've been trying to resolve since earlier this year could finally come together. If you've been looking to move, buy or sell a home or settle an issue with a close relative, these finalizing beams could seal the deal.

This year’s Aquarius full moon brings a plot twist, though, forming a tense T-square with the Leo Sun and a volatile Mars-Uranus combo in Taurus. You could feel pulled between the demands of home, family, relationship and work, and it won’t be easy to resolve. There may be tension between your loved ones that you try to mediate, which will only suck you into the crossfire.

There’s one person who COULD get left out of the equation today, Scorpio: you! Make an extra effort to prioritize and vocalize your needs today. You can do it with kindness, but you’ll need to be firm with those who try to tug on your heartstrings or take advantage of your strength. Just because you CAN handle it all doesn’t mean you should!

Get out and socialize! Virgo season begins August 22

Lightness returns starting August 22, when the Sun moves into Virgo and your eleventh house of group activity, friendships and networking for a month. Delegate a few of those hefty responsibilities and go mingle with your people. You'll accomplish more away from your desk and out in the world, talking to people and sharing your idealistic visions. By the time the August 27 Virgo new moon arrives, you could be ready to declare yourself part of a brand-new crew.

Changing of the guard? Uranus turns retrograde August 24

Who belongs in your inner circle, Scorpio? This August 24, you may start examining the people you spend the most time around as unpredictable Uranus begins a five-month retrograde through Taurus and your partnership zone. The cosmic disruptor is in Taurus for a long, seven-year visit from 2019 to 2026. Many of your closest relationships have been changing as you've both assumed new roles or power-renegotiated your dynamics.

Liberator Uranus is all about being authentic, so if you haven't brought your full self-expression to bear on a certain relationship yet, what are you waiting for? We’re halfway through this cycle, and it’s time to start getting more authentic. During this Uranus transit, you may have found yourself fighting more often or feeling irritated with the people around you, especially anyone who seems to be holding you back or cramping your freedom.

With Uranus retrograde, you can step back from any combustible emotions and examine this relationship more objectively. Someone from your past could also surface—perhaps out of the blue and in a way that shakes up all your expectations and agreements. It could be an old flame, a former business associate or a march-to-their-own-beat friend whose presence wakes you up to what YOU truly want.

Hosting individualistic Uranus in your zone of compromise isn't always easy—or comfortable. During the retrograde, bravely examine what comes up for you instead of resisting it. It's important that you identify YOUR truth, but also that you figure out how to get your needs met without feeling dominated by others or by bulldozing them. This will be a process that gets worked out over time, not overnight. But the sooner you open up honest dialogue, the better!

August 2022 Scorpio Love Horoscope

Love is the ultimate adventure in the first half of the month, a time when you can bring growth and wonder into your partnership (or potential ones!). Romantic Venus is in Cancer and your expansive ninth house, infusing you with optimism and opening you up to new possibilities—including long-distance love or a relocation. You could feel sparks with someone from a very different background than yours, and that dissonance will only make you more intrigued by them.

That free-spirited phase ends abruptly once Venus moves into Leo and your future-focused tenth house on August 11, staying until September 5. Now you want to plan and know where things are going. But be careful about piling on the pressure, Scorpio! A day to do that with an open heart and mind would be August 18, when Venus forms a flowing trine to big-picture Jupiter. Talking about the long term could actually be a joyful exercise that helps you see a relationship through a wide-angle lens.

Things could turn serious fast this month—and well into 2023—thanks to the other love planet, spicy Mars. Until August 20, Mars is in Taurus and your committed-partnership zone, making you eager (and at times a little anxious) to lock in something official. For coupled Scorpios, this can turn up the heat AND the tension. Things you’ve bottled up could come out into the open. If you’re not ready to deal with that, considering working with a coach or therapist who can help mediate.

On August 20, Mars zooms into Gemini and your intimate eighth house for an extra-long stay, heating up this merging-minded zone until March 25, 2023. Speedy Mars could bring a pregnancy, a proposal, talk of moving in together or some other kind of permanent commitment. Careful: The intense red planet can also dial up jealousy and possessiveness, traits that Scorpios already struggle with in love. Make sure to have a few good outlets in place to process any difficult feelings that arise.

August 2022 Scorpio Career Horoscope

Your career is on fire this month, Scorpio! The bold Sun is blazing a trail through Leo and your professional tenth house until August 22, ramping up your ambition and readying you for your next big move. Where do you picture yourself in five years? Map it out by working backward from the finish line and putting a structured plan in place.

A rare August 1 Taurus summit of innovative Uranus, driven Mars and the karmic north node heats up your partnership zone, which could bring in a contract or a joint venture. Take a brief timeout for restoration at the August 11 Aquarius full moon because it’s game on once Mars zooms into Gemini and your eighth house of wealth and investments for seven whole months on August 20, a time to put the pedal to the metal on building long-term financial security, erasing debt and making your money work hard for you!

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